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1. DVD Visual Studio 6 Total 4.2 Gbyte Daftar Isi
2. DVD Visual Studio Net 2008 Total 4.36 Gbyte Daftar Isi
3. DVD www.vbnetsimorangkir.blogspot.com Total 3.6 GByte Daftar Isi
4. DVD Source Code Visual Studio 6 Total 3.4 Gbyte Daftar Isi
DVD ini masing-masing seharga Rp. 100,000 (harga ini sudah termasuk Ongkos kirim)
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1. Komfirmasi lewat Email marune.untung@gmail.com untuk mendapatkan kode. Kode unik tersebut untuk penambahan pada saat transfer. contoh anda dapet kode no 1 waktu transfer jumlah Rp 100,001.

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Kamis, September 25, 2008

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Beginning Microsoft Visual Basic 2008

Ucok Simorangkir SKom


Beginning Microsoft Visual Basic 2008
* Features expanded coverage of Windows Vista, Windows Workflow Foundation, Windows Presentation Foundation, and Windows Communication Foundation
* All code and examples are updated to cover the latest version of VB and the .NET 3.5 Framework
* 62 percent of developers use some form of Visual Basic; this book teaches readers the basics and gets them programming with one of Microsoft's most popular development languages
* Readers quickly learn to write applications for Windows, the Web, and mobile devices
* Also covers object-oriented programming, creating custom controls, working with databases, creating menus, and working with graphics
* Other topics include building class libraries, Web services and .NET remoting, and deploying applications

Anda mau download, klik aja mimik ini eee lupa passwordnya http://vbnetsimorangkir.blogspot.com

Kamis, September 25, 2008

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Professional IIS 7 and ASP.NET Integrated Programming

Ucok Simorangkir SKom


Professional IIS 7 and ASP.NET Integrated Programming

The deep integration of IIS7 and ASP.NET provides both IIS7 administrators and ASP.NET developers with new and exciting programming tools, techniques, and approaches that were not possible with earlier versions of IIS. With this book, Dr. Shahram Khosravi presents you with the only resource to focus exclusively on the key features of this exciting integration.

Anda mau download, klik aja mimik ini eee lupa passwordnya http://vbnetsimorangkir.blogspot.com

Kamis, September 25, 2008

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Professional Visual Basic 2008

Ucok Simorangkir SKom


Professional Visual Basic 2008

This book focuses on using the latest and most powerful tools from the Microsoft arsenal within your Visual Basic solutions. Looking closely at LINQ, AJAX, a new Visual Studio and more, you'll be able to take lessons from this book and apply them to what you are doing today. You'll examine everything from the .NET Framework to the best practices for deploying .NET applications to database access and integrating with other technologies, such as COM and XML.

Anda mau download, klik aja mimik ini eee lupa passwordnya http://vbnetsimorangkir.blogspot.com

Kamis, September 25, 2008

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Visual Basic .NET in 21 Days

Ucok Simorangkir SKom


Visual Basic .NET in 21 Days
Sams Teach Yourself Visual Basic.NET in 21 Days provides readers with 21 structured lessons with step-by-step guidance to real-world tasks. Each chapter also contains exercises that reinforce the lessons learned in each chapter. Tips, Notes, and Cautions provide additional advice from the authors on how to get up-to-speed and programming quickly with Visual Basic.NET.

Anda mau download, klik aja mimik ini eee lupa passwordnya http://vbnetsimorangkir.blogspot.com

Kamis, September 25, 2008

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Mastering Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 (With Source Code)

Ucok Simorangkir SKom


Mastering Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 (With Source Code)

Enhance your skills in Visual Basic 2008 and the Visual Studio 2008 environment with the new edition of this bestselling guide.

Anda mau download, klik aja mimik ini eee lupa passwordnya http://vbnetsimorangkir.blogspot.com

Kamis, September 25, 2008

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VTC Intro to Microsoft Visual Basic.NET

Ucok Simorangkir SKom


VTC Intro to Microsoft Visual Basic.NET

Video cara migrasi VB6 ke VB.net

Microsoft Visual Basic has evolved throughout the years, but has steadily remained one of the most popular programming languages today. Visual Basic .NET is undoubtedly the most significant change to occur to Visual Basic yet. Significant new features include: unity of programming models, extension of the program to include mobile device capabilites, Performance Counters and Server Explorer, flashy new capabilities in Windows Forms, anchoring controls, opacity and transparency properties, and much more. In this six hour tutorial, Microsoft Certified Instructor Mark Long will introduce and expand upon Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and what users can do with it.

Anda mau download, klik aja mimik ini eee lupa passwordnya http://vbnetsimorangkir.blogspot.com